SKINCARE JOURNEY : PART IV (What did I really stop doing - using)

06.03.18 08:43 PM Comment(s) By So Good Botanicals

Skincare Journey IV by So Good Botanicals - What did I stop using and doing
So Good Botanicals - Shop our Store for Plant Powered Skincare that really works


SKIN TYPE: Oily/ Combination

Prone to:

ACNE – usually food/ stress/ late nights make it worse

INFECTIONS – fungal/ bacterial (Candida infections)

ASHY/ GREY LOOKING SKIN – patchy/ uneven skin tone

SOME MILIA – not too bad (tiny white bumps near eyes)

BUMPS ON THIGHS – folliculitis (from existing in yoga pants and tights) 

So Good Botanicals - Skincare Journey 4, Things I stopped doing

From my experience with switching to natural ingredients. I decided to tackle a few things which really bothered me/ my skin/ general stuff. 

So Good Botanicals - Skincare Journey 4, give up what hasn't worked

I've been there... you don't need to. 

I used to do allllll these things but not any more, infact I even use a dry mask instead of a cleanser fairly regularly ( so proud of me!)

Products with Harsh Chemicals: Not for every single issue

Why? Because everytime I used something very strong for the pimples, I had to follow it up with with something for a rash. It had become a monthly routine. For skincare, topical use, creams I started looking at natural substitutes with natural anbacterial and antifungal properties. Something which would help me keep my skin clean without tormenting it. 


Getting squeaky clean: Stop this altogether - its terrible for skin

I had been using a lot of oil free cleansers, washing my face multiple times, I don’t do this anymore. I switched to gentler cleansers, normal skin type, wash my face twice a day. I used the oil papers (the blue ones) and it would turn a dark blue - instantly, I ditched those too and just used normal tissue. Swapped my makeup remover to an oil cleanser. 

I used to have an oil factory - face & hair, not any more!!


Oil free products: Stopped looking for these altogether

Our skin like our bodies needs healthy fats. My usual skin care had mineral oil, petroleum by products which didn’t work for me, it usually resulted in breakouts - oil factory problems again. 

What I needed was NOT oil free products, I needed a better/ cleaner option, I needed healthy fats. 

So Good Botanicals - Skincare Journey 4, change is hard

The greasiness, wanting to clean as much as possible, running away from moisturizing oils and butters. It’s counterintuitive but always choose healthy fats NOT fat free - do it…. I did…. You must do it…

It wasn’t the oils that were the problem, it was the type of oil - every product I had been using had petroleum by products/ mineral oil/ harsh chemicals. That was the real problem, I needed natural oils and gentler stuff coz my skin had got into crisis mode… it needs MOREEE TLC.

So Good Botanicals - Skincare Journey 4, Do it - make the change

I recommend these changes to everyone – friends… family…. despite how oily/ sticky our skin might feel, it always needs healthy fats to live on, to clean itself out, to help it glow. It can glow like a light switch went on somewhere, it really is possible.

When our skin gets healthy fats it doesn’t go into survival mode and doesn't produce a ton of sebum. Don’t starve our skin XO


Don’t go away, we will next talk about the other changes and my new skincare routine. It might be a bit long-ish post so please bear with me XX


PS. Beauty lies within…..we only help enhance it XO



Beauty Activist


Previously: Skincare Journey Part 3 : (I Changed…)

Interesting post on how our Crystal Skin Set helps problem skin, all healthy fats, no harsh chemicals, preservatives and words like a charm: LEARN MORE 





Crystal Skin Set by So Good Botanicals: Anti Acne Treatment - Great for problem skin, Fight Acne without drying skin out